I will be teaching on Leadership Weds 6/8/2016 & Weds 6/15/2016 ~7:30pm ~ @ Saved By Grace Church 1326 Pleasanton Rd 78214 So.side SATx...Everyone is invited to join us.. Refresh your leadership skills..



"A Leader Within" ~ Leadership Training

A Healing Word Ministries works diligently to meet the ever-changing needs of the communities in which we live.

Every successful Organization /Churches is based on its strong effective leaders

This course on leadership will help individual maximize their potential in leadership.

To changed the direction of any Organzation/Church we need to change our ability to lead.


A Healing Word Ministries now provides increased support and training for Leadership

The reason the Organization/Churches does not grow is because the people are not growing

The reason the people are not growing is because the leadership is not growing

The reason the leadership is not growing is because the Leadership stop Learning.

This is a 10 Week Course 1 hour once a week for 10 weeks.

10 Steps to be come an effective leader.

1) Where do I start ? &Control our emotions.


3)Trust & Respect.

4)Character & Attitude.

5)Effective Leadership.

6)The value of people.

7)Interspersonal skills'

8)Promotion & Relationships.

9)Connecting & Maganetism.

10)The lid on leadership.



Lets start your Leardership Training Today 

Attitude 1) No one can teach me anything ~ Arrogant Attitude

Attitude 2) Someone(1 Person)can teach me everything ~ Naive attitude

Attitude 3) Everyone can teach me something ~ Teachable attiude

Saved by Grace Church 2011

James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God ,who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Leadership Books
Eph. 3:20 Now to him who is able to do bexceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us.
Books that can open your mind
Great books to read

Saved by Grace Church 2011

We provide Extreme Leadership Training for Church Groups in and around The San Antonio area.

The greater impact you want to make The greater your Influence needs to be.


Leadership 2010 Messager of God Church

We have been involved in many projects over the years, and we invite you to learn by example how you can help your community together with Extreme Leadership

Pastor Tony Cortez Leadership 2010
Leadership Class 2010
Leadership Course 2009 La Hermosa Church

Organization/Churches will always be in danger when does who never learn to obey are given the right to  lead or to be in charge.



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